Being a tranny, in which Mori is an advocate for and deem as "based", is not actually based. Are Eunuchs, the epitome of a willing slave of the elite, based? Trannies are basically like that. They're a slave of their passions, in which the elite wants. Its easier for the people in power to control others who can't control their thirst for pleasure. The "love" Mori keeps pushing for is not love, but lust. Its also not surprising that most lustful people are also huge gluttons. I'm not actually surprised that this board or moefaggotry in general attracts transvestites and their allies. You can't control yourself and you will be a detriment to yourself and society at large but it's not like you care both of those anyway. I'd also guess that most of you here are misanthropes. I wouldn't be surprised