>>95039836See that's the thing; there are huge reserves of natural resources in NA, and so if anything that should make it even easier; which, historically, it did.
But that's also the other thing; you don't even need any natural resources at all to be productive. You just need to be... productive.
Just look at Taiwan, or Japan, or hell Bangladesh.
The world is so full of bureaucratic tyranny farming the tax cattle so far beyond the laffer curve it isn't funny that simply *not* having any of that to the same degree by itself is a completely overwhelming comparative advantage. *Antarctica* would be a thriving ecosystem of life full of civilized people flocking to the opportunity to live without communism if it truly was 'unadministrated'. It's empty because the jailors keep it that way.
>Also America has no intent of fixing those issues*washington/harvard/georgetown has no intent, yes. Any solution necessarily involves going through the incumbents first.
>because to fix them they have to introduce othersStupid. But an expected sentiment; it's the hardest thing in the world for criminals to just stop being criminal, even though 'all' you have to do is just stop being a criminal. If you want people to be more prosperous, then stop stealing so much from them in the first place. If you want people to be more productive, then stop atomizing them, destroying legacy social superstructures, and otherwise interfering in their ability to organize or coordinate action or execute affairs in any way without intermediation by the central apparat; stop kidnapping their children to worse than useless child prison systems for 20+ years; stop undermining security of property in general and the rights of husbands and fathers in particular; stop importing more criminals and punishing anyone who tries to stop criminals; et cetera et cetera.
>>95040008There's no 'high tech' manufacturing either. You don't see any americans picking fruit or making widgets because they are too busy being working at chip fabs and being aerospace engineers. You don't see it because both they and the industries themselves are priced out of the market by 'minimum wage' and importing mexican slave labour as scabs.
If you infect the population of a city with GRIDS, the ones already closest to the edge die first. Businesses/industries with higher relative margins stuck around longer, but that was just a matter of time.
>>95042875The problem with slavery (and slave races) is that it is welfare for the slaves. They are net-negative in value. You wouldn't be a slave if you weren't. The kind of person that would be a slave brings problems such that the juice is not worth the squeeze. If you have someone who can't be relied upon to so much as even handle themselves, the only parsimonious solutions are exile or execution.