>>95090364>>95090675>thread zoomies think that 'destroying' someone by just dunking on them with some one-liner or just attacking their character somehow refutes all of the points they madeI'll never understand this. No amount of 'lol schizo,' flarepost one-liners or whatever change or address the points made about Bae's actions and how fucking boring and unlikable she is as a streamer and person in general
giving me a nickname or laughing at me doesn't magically make her pay for Ame's meal
it doesn't retcon that she dodged Ame in her final weeks as a holo
it doesn't change that she prioritizes JP over her own branch and branchmates or even her EN fans
it doesn't change that she unironically uses words like pickme and thinks of the kind of people like (You) who watch vtubers as virgin losers
it doesn't unfuck her character design, her obnoxious voice or dogshit taste in games
fortunately, I don't need to give a fuck about all the (You)s you feed me epically owning me because audience trends are on my side and prove that if you have a dogshit design, dogshit voice, dogshit taste in games and dogshit personality that you will always be a shitter no matter what hipster contrarian underdog supporting vocal minority faggots on this site say