>>9510027I've been here since the beginning and I'm telling you this has always been the case. We create culture and it trickles down to the rest of the internet. In due time coded words of our secret club will be spoken by every Tom, Dick, and Harry and there's nothing you can do about it. There is no point in withdrawing and becoming reclusive, and that sort of violent reactionary behavior only leads to the death of a community. While I do agree newfags dilute whatever culture we have here, the correct course of action has always been hazing them until they fuck off, or assimilate. "Containment breaking" , is ironically, a newfag thing and the only rules I acknowledge are rules 1 and 2. As long as you don't name the beast, you're fine. Constantly calling out others over it only outs you as a newfag trying hard to fit in.
Just create new things, brother. The asshole of the internet still has its sway, might as well throw that weight around.