EN5 has a good background of female athletes on the NA continent.
I think I have a good background in college athletics and cheerleading squads.
>These women have endured a tough environment.>They respect the organization and the support staff, and they consider themselves as one team.>They respect their co-workers and holomen, of course.The female soccer population in the USA is much larger than the female soccer population in Japan, so if you put a holo recruitment brochure in the Second Step career support office of the Athlete's Association, I think some retiring female athletes would be interested in joining Cover Inc.
USA is really a bunch of organizational theory, like college cheerleading squads, and people who have lived by that logic and are much more qualified for holo than streamers.
EN5 is needed, but I don't think holo needs people with streaming experience or anything else anymore.
Athletes are much more apt for dancing and singing than streamers.
Because they can work hard.
Streamers can work hard or they can't, it's luck for the management because the management can't see that in the screening process of hiring.
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