>>95447274>>95446828tetris was always a means to an end for suisei. she leaned into it because she could get traction with it, but it was never something she actually cared about that much. Suisei always wanted to be a massively famous celebrity singer, and she just didn't care if it meant leveraging her tetris skill if that's what got attention and helped pave the pathway for her. It was the same for her with most of her content. For example, do you think she actually cared about a kusoge like project winter? Of course not. But she was given a big opportunity to introduce herself to a wider audience through that game, so she grinded it for hours offstream before her big collab with other holos to make the most of it. Suisei is ambitious and you can interpret a lot of her actions with that context.
Of course, the reason she's not here today was because this was always meant to be a pekomari okakoro collab. Suisei wasn't ever in the picture.
But if you're wondering why she's not streaming that much in general, for suisei you have to realise that streaming as a concept itself isn't even something she cares about that much. It was a means to an end, just like everything else. Suisei cares about becoming a bigger and bigger singer first and foremost, and everything else is secondary. Her eyes are on the prize.