>>9635200I really wish I'd archived it. It was a stream for the ages, the likes of which we'll probably have to wait months for.
It starts with Kiara being all hype about finishing it today. The first thing she does is fight the imprisoned, failing the first time. Then she gets the endless water tadpole mission and nearly ragequits after dying (despite having the foresight to save just before she died so she didn't even lose any progress).
The rest was just her doing actually good and having some amount of fun... until she realizes she's got two hours and a final dungeon and boss fights because in two hours Ina's anniversary stream starts and she really wants to watch that, gradually building insane pressure.
Suddenly she's in fucking mission mode, clears the last dungeon almost cleanly (modulo some panic attacks during fights and nearly dying).
Ghirahim was literally her figuring out the motion control battle at the elventh hour (she unlearned everything for Demise though).
30 minutes until she had to be done.
Throws herself at Demise, keeps dying repeatedly because she panics. Can't get the skyward shit figured out. Probably needs to recalibrate her joy-cons and never figured out how to.
Desperation was off the charts. She screamed like her life was on the line, wouldn't be surprised if a neighbor contemplated calling the cops.
Her third attempt was just a mess. It was 21:58 local time when she failed again and Ina's stream about to start. No goodbye, no telling to watch Ina, just straight endcard and cut the stream.