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"Amiaryllis Bloo" is NOT dead,you IDIOTS!

No.96377403 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
"On 2 November(2024),Amiaryllis uploaded a video
announcing her graduation,with her former manager
erroneously announcing that she has passed away
from a heart attack the same night. The announcement
of her death was a misunderstanding from her ex-management
and friends due to them not being informed of her survival."
And then,...
"On 23 February(2025),Amiaryllis uploaded a video
post-retirement,clarifying that she was resuscitated
from the heart attack,and that she has made a full recovery since.
She had asked the hospital to not disclose her condition to anyone,
intending to stay off the grid for her entire hospital stay and basically
start fresh with her life. This caused the misunderstanding,and she
has apologized to anyone hurt by this. Furthermore,she has not made
any promises about a return,stating that it depends on the
situation,(i.e. if people want her back),and that at the moment
she is focused on building her new life."
WELP(WELL)!,...There you have it,folks.
"Amiaryllis Bloo" is NOT dead,you IDIOTS!
She LIVED,bitches.
The truth will ALWAYS prevail.
Don't like that? Too bad!
Go FUCK yourselves.