>>96608659The only thing that'll make me instantly drop someone is if they hit me with some cringey social justice bullshit or say something whorish. I have a list of things that can really add up, though:
One is zoomer brain rot. Zoomer culture is centered around social media and, for whatever reason, everyone on social media talks like gay black men. I guess it's fine if you're a gay black man, but if you're a 25-year old Asian girl, what the fuck are you doing? Get the black guy out of your mouth.
A lot of vtubers, especially indie Western girls, have this really gross rigging where their heads and udders wobble around like water balloons, and I think they think it looks cute, but it actually just makes them look like a blob monster and I don't find it endearing at all. It feels very fake. Maybe if I were a 90 IQ construction worker who likes strip clubs and Hooters that'd be right up my alley, but that's not most vtuber fans.
There's nothing more annoying for a streamer or YouTuber to do than spend 10 minutes tearing into a stupid comment that everyone watching already knows was stupid and so you're just wasting everybody's time. That person was most likely a troll. Or 12. And you're sitting here going on and on about what a fucking retard they are and I don't know who you think is "winning" in this exchange but I know it isn't your viewers.
It's disappointing when a vtuber puts on a mask of enthusiasm while playing a game you like but never actually takes the time to actually figure out how to play. Chat will spam they're hitting the wrong key or going the wrong way and they'll just ignore it and eventually go, "Well, that was fun, see you guys later," and it feels like they didn't actually play the game at all. All they had to do was glance at chat.
As an extension of that, nothing's more passive aggressive than starting your stream with, "I only play this game one way and you're not going to change my mind," and then you proceed to bore everyone to death with your monotonous, inflexible play style.
Watching someone play a game they've already played is also a little...you know. Half the audience is there to see you react to things for the first time, but when we already know you've played it before, it feels kinda'...lame.
These corpo chuubas make bonds with people who are spread out across the world and so it's unfortunate there's a ton of fun multiplayer games they can't really play due to latency issues, which results in so many collabs being word games, puzzle games, VR Chat, etc. So why is it then, when they finally all end up in the same place once or twice a year, they don't play any games at all? That's your one fucking chance to play a real game together and instead they spend all their time shopping and eating cakes. I actually hate tourism in general, there's something creepy about people flying across the world and lurking around people's homes like, "Wow, look how weird this place is. Fascinating!" I know their response will be, "I can play video games when I'm home," but no you fucking can't, not these action-intense multiplayer games with your friends, this is your chance to finally do it and instead you're visiting Japanese knock-offs of American parks and eating slightly different tasting junk food. THAT'S more important?