>>96688666>But what really was the impact on the other girls?It forced basically every HoloEN member and like a handful of JPs to publicly come out and attempt to reassure their fans that: A.) Management is not some evil cabal that's forcing girls out of the company, and B.) Fauna's problems are not their problems
>How much blowback did it really cause?There was fuck-ton of hysteria and doomsaying on basically every public forum for vtuber discussion (Twitter, Reddit, here, Discord), particularly lots of handwringing about Cover being public (despite that happening in 2022), Cover having an office in California (despite that being there since 2023), and a general fear of "It could be your oshi next!!!" (which invited tons of doxxfags to come crawling out of the woodworks, thinking they were doing the girls a "favor" by publicly disclosing their roommates)
>Because I watched that month and there was no drama caused by her saying that.Probably you're a coping Sapling/Naping.
You guys have ostensibly programmed yourselves to do this Tiananmen square-tier levels of denial to the idea there was any fallout born from Fauna's purposely inflammatory announcement, due entirely to the fact the other girls cleaned up her failed attempt at making a mess within like 48~ hours