>>96732246Pwogwamming is a caweew, pwofessionaw pwogwammews awe highwy quawified pwowessionaws. M-memowy safety is wike giving duww scawpew to doctows, t-toy guns to sowdiews. B-but... but what if they cut demsewves? (ノ﹏ヽ) W-what if they huwt demsewves? W-we-tawdation. That's what it is, nya~ A wace to the bottom, fiwwed wif mentaw inepitude. (°□°)︵ ━ We dun give guns to chiwdwen, we give them to highwy twained pwowessionaws (except if yuw in Amewica I guess, nya~).
The same is twue fow pwogwamming! (◕‿◕) Object owiented? How about yuw owient an object to youw skuww, yuw dumdum. >w< C++? C-- is what it is, nya~. N-no yuw can't pwogwam in C++ wike yuw pwogwam in C, that's b-bad convention! (﹏) S-suck my bawws! No mattew how many pwotectyons yuw give to peopwe, they'ww awways manage to somehows f-fuwwck it up, tuwn dem off by accident ow bypass dem because they think they knyow bettew. Wust, Jawa and C# simpwy give the iwwusion of safety which is infinyitewy wowse than tewwing wannabe pwogwammews the simpwe twuf~! (⁄ ⁄>⁄ω⁄<⁄ ⁄)
O-oh, yuw'we wwiting outside the awwocated memowy? S-skiww issue, nya~ Shouwd have t-thought about the wisk of demonic p-pwesence wight undew y-youw nyose! (≧◡≦) S-some of yuw awe just fwesh out of schoow o-ow wowse, sewf-taught and y-yuw think yuw knyow evewything about pwogwamming! Y-yuw find one "modewn" wanguage t-that yuw wike and twy to fit evewything undew it, h-hmph! Y-youw attempt at pwogwamming pwosewytism is void, nya~!
When I cwaim that C is the onwy twue wanguage, it i-is nyot a statement that othew wanguages awe b-bad, nya~ It i-is a statement about the nyatuwe of ignowance and b-bwindwess to y-youw own fwaws. (◕‿◕) Saying that C is supwiew to evewything makes as much sense as saying that Wust is supwiew to evewything ow that Jawa is the futuwe of pwogwamming~! It is the statement that the wanguage doesn't weawwy mattew as wong as the pwoduct is done! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚
Wouwd a woot be safew in Wust? M-maybe, maybe nyot, nya~ It's a toow in y-youw toowbox! I've pwogwammed in 6 diffewent assembwy wanguages, each with theiw own pwos and cons, nya~! I've had to do pwojects in C# that constantwy wequiwed me to d-disabwe secuwity featuwes f-fow bettew memowy contwow. Thewe was times whewe I wish I was using a high wanguage when twying to figuwe out why something wasn't wowking. Thewe was times whewe I wish I couwd have had bettew contwow of my pointews, mostwy in Jawa.
G-god... Jawa sucks! (°□°)︵ ━ If yuw want a piece of advice, d-dun use Jawa! That thing wiww wag t-the fuwck out because the gawbage cowwectow can't decide w-what to do hawf of the time, i-it wiww cwaim that yuw'we out of bound when y-yuw'we nyot, and i-it wiww sometimes awwow yuw to wun vewy unsafe pwoogwams without any wawning ow detection! I h-have nyo cwue why Jawa is so widespwead, but i-it is uniwonicawwy wowse than some esowang I've twied! (≧△≦)
B-but besides that... my statement about C stiww stands twue, nya~! (◕‿◕) A-anything y-yuw can do in Wust ow C#, y-yuw can do in C! I-is it the most adapted toow? W-wike, p-pwobabwy nyot... b-but nyeithew awe Wust ow C#! At one point y-yuw just h-have to accept that t-the nyaiw nyeeds a hammew~! I-it doesn't mattew which... it just nyeeds to b-be hammewed down, nya~! (>‿<)