>>96858864I've made more than one poll in the past on /vt/ and Filian collabs with Idol are always low priority and people usually would rather choose Phase or indies which she's already done. Filian did a few of those debut watchalongs Idol did back in the day, and Punkalopi got along with Filian really well and she's with Idol now. Also Lisa was in that concert of Nyana's so maybe Fil knows about her a little.
I want Filian to collab with literally anybody because she's so adaptive and charismatic, but I also understand there needs to be a good idea for a collab. Like that Olivia Monroe collab was peak, but I wonder if a "normal" collab where they do YLYL, Battleship, the other more routine collab things Fil does, if it would still be as good.
Aside from their new generation with the sexy ghost pirate lady and the others, Idol leans really hard into the lolis. I think it could be potentially funny if Fil does something thematic related to them all being lolis but I also know that even if Fil is cool with lolis, her sense of humor and how she acts with chat she would be like
>ZOINKS CHAT THESE LITTLE GIRLS ARE ACTING TOO ZESTY (LOUD SCREAMING)or basically how she is with Shondo but amped up to 120%.