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No.96827450 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Here we fucking go again. Watch the catalog devolve into the same old shit again.
>Shion says anything even remotely negative or outright neutral no matter what the subject actually is? SHE HATES HOLOLIVE
>she says something positive? DAMAGE CONTROL
>her coworkers say anything that isn't purely negative or don't immediately collab with her even if they don't normally talk to her? BOOTLICKERS
>anyone else stays silent? CIVIL WAR
And then everyone will forget about her when they get bored or have other drama to latch onto like they've done with Chloe because nobody actually gives a shit about either one here beyond how much they feed this dramafaggotry, but the board will still be shit for 2 months
God, I fucking hate you catalogniggers so much
>lol just ignore the monkeys flinging shit everywhere
Would be nice if the incessant screeching didn't bump actually worthwhile generals off the fucking board if they don't get bumped every minute