>>96974692Without any changes, it would be effective just once a quarter, or even only for fes.
Your idea would at least make it worthwhile, but would also be a lot of work added on top. Some of the girls already have a lot of work, and they likely wouldn't want to add that to their plate, especially since, right now, they would still need to fly to Japan. Also, would the couple of people that could participate see it worthwhile to pay $30-$40 for a karaoke, when they could just wait for an unarchived and get a 2d one for free.
Those would be interesting ideas, don't get me wrong. There could be some experience that I can't think of that would flip the equation on its head. I just don't know whether the talents, and the fans, would see them as worthwhile, basically ending up back where I started with maybe one a quarter.
Also, I don't think investors would believe in them ever nowadays, but they are unimportant in this discussion.