[14 / 1 / ?]
>gura killer
fuck off nijinigger. who is nijisanji anyway? oh nonono, >not even 1k views
nijibros.. what happened? holy SEETHE. nijiniggers in this thread are SEETHING KEK. >muh gura killer
what happened? nijinigs are coping right now >talking about sucking dick and eating cum
holy shit, why are nijinigs like this? is this how idols behave? my hololive oshi would NEVER >niji bullying culture
holy shit, why are nijinigs like this? is this how they behave? i could barely watch past 5 minutes. how can nijikeks defend this??
theres gonna be a lot of FALSEFLAGGING SEA NIJINIGGERS in this thread.. stay strong holochads.. nijifags BTFOd
t.based holochad
fuck off nijinigger. who is nijisanji anyway? oh nonono, >not even 1k views
nijibros.. what happened? holy SEETHE. nijiniggers in this thread are SEETHING KEK. >muh gura killer
what happened? nijinigs are coping right now >talking about sucking dick and eating cum
holy shit, why are nijinigs like this? is this how idols behave? my hololive oshi would NEVER >niji bullying culture
holy shit, why are nijinigs like this? is this how they behave? i could barely watch past 5 minutes. how can nijikeks defend this??
theres gonna be a lot of FALSEFLAGGING SEA NIJINIGGERS in this thread.. stay strong holochads.. nijifags BTFOd
t.based holochad