>>97206524you can't 'rule' in hell silly billy it's a void of eternal anguish and damnation and even Satan himself doesn't actually rule in hell nor is there any demon hierarchy, that's entirely non-canonical and not found in the Bible. It's just pure oblivion.
As the test says, Satan is like a roaring lion looking for souls to devour and will appear in many shapes, the ultimate deciever, any inkling or feeling you have or pop culture ideas that you even could somehow 'rule' in hell, cheat God, make it out alive somehow or have any power etc are all just more ways of being tricked into oblivion by the father of lies.
>>97206180I already explained how verses in the book of Isaiah in the old testament written hundreds of years before Jesus was born predicted details about what would happen with Jesus. Also at the time of the book of Daniel when those empires are prophecized it was only up to the Babylonin empire, the rest hadn't happened yet.
The only way such things make sense is if the prophecies are real i.e. it really is divinely inspired which means by extension the new testament claims are real such as in Revelation that great catastrophes will happen and humanity will be judged etc.
Funnily enough, the Bible even predicts there will be people like (You) who will be obstinate and refuse to see the truth even when it's presented to you, hardening your heart and thinking you know better.