>>9718027Sourced from 2ch, 5ch and Matome comment sections.
I was thinking of translating reactions to the entire stream, but there was genuinely too much and this shit would get ridiculously long, so I decided to focus on post-stream discussion. You can see reactions during the stream here:
https://rio2016.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/jasmine/1631459462/ (starting around post 419)
https://rio2016.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/jasmine/1631497443/https://dec.2chan.net/84/res/1029678.htm (starting around post 580)
https://dec.2chan.net/84/res/1030797.htmEnd of stream
>英語分からないけど泣きましたI don't know any English but I cried.
>メッセージカードは卑怯やPutting message cards at the end is unfair.
>両親への謝辞があるとこは欧米っぽいなThanking your parents is a really westernish thing to do, huh?
>最初の期待のまま突っ走り続けてる5人は本当すごいと思う 2期もそれぞれ個性出始めてるしENも盛り上がればいいなIt's amazing that the five of them have been able to keep pace with the initial expectations of them. The 2nd generation is beginning to show their personalities as well, I'm sure that EN will continue to grow.
>エモいし楽しかったな 今日もホロメンのマイクラ楽しみにしてるわThat was both funny and really emotional. Can't wait for the other Holos to just play Minecraft again today.
>最高だった。実はホロENきっかけでホロ沼にハマったレアケース(?)だったので感慨もひとしおです。止まらないホロENや!This was just the best. I was one of those rare cases (?) that got pulled into the Holo hole through HoloEN, so this was all deeply moving. I'll never stop watching HoloEN!
>ワトちゃまホンマお疲れ様やな 昨日体調悪かったみたいだしゆっくり休んでくれなThank you so much for your hard work, Watchama. I know she didn't feel well yesterday, I hope she can get a good rest after this.
>見どころ多すぎて切り抜きの人たちは頭抱えてそうThere are too many highlights, clippers must be at their wit's end.
>そしてENの圧倒的質の余韻を残したままラミィ見るわけNow I can watch Lamy in the afterglow of EN's overwhelming quality.
Post Stream
>アメリア枠のen一周年記念配信はかわいさとネタ 技術力に溢れた必見の内容だったよまだ観ていない人は是非ともチェックしてほしい
The EN first anniversary stream on Amelia's channel was full of cuteness and hilarity, and the technical abilities on display were a marvel. If you haven't seen it yet, I insist you go and watch it.
>森さんって動き会長系だったよねMori-san's movements were reminiscent of Kaichou, huh?
>Ina…I am your father…>Gura…I have the high Ground>ぐらちゃんもファックするし鎌もファックする さすがは死神Fucking Gura and fucking her scythe, she truly is a god of death.
>伝説の配信だったね スタジオのハイクオリティじゃなくても集まって3Dで適当にじゃれてるだけ 神配信なんだからこれを機に3Dの敷居下がってほしいIt was an absolutely legendary stream. Even if it doesn't have the sort of polished quality you'd expect of a studio 3D, just getting the girls together to mess around as they like in 3D is an absolute blessing. I'm hoping this sets a precedent for not needing 3Ds to be big rehearsed events.
>VR空間とはいえ全員が初めて同じ場所に集まって動く姿を見せられたってエモいな 同時に技術進歩の恩恵を感じるI felt really emotional being able to see them gather together in the same place after such a long time, even if it was just in VR. At the same time, you could really feel how technology has progressed.
>さめちゃんはサイリウムを股間にあてるし森さんはカマニーするしMythはエロか?Between Same-chan putting a glowstick on her crotch and Mori-san's shenanigans, are Myth actually kind of erotic?
>鎌のそれも刃の方で高速自慰はグロ系の薄い本でも見たことがないレベルなんですが…I've never such a high level of masturbatory speed like she did with that scythe, not even in my doujins...
>シンボルのサメちゃん 歌のカリ 絵のイナ トリリンガルのキアラ アイデアのアメ 本当よくホロに来てくれたよ Vtuberが存在する限りは英語圏開拓の祖として語り継がれると思うThe face, Gura. The musician, Calli. The artist, Ina. The trilingualist, Kiara. The ideas, Ame. It really is wonderful they're a part of Hololive. So long as vtubing exists, they will always be honoured in the English-speaking world as the pioneers and founders.
>マジで奇跡の世代なんだよなぁ。 それぞれ突き抜けていてそれを纏めるリーダー アメリアはvtuberのフロントランナーだし。They really are a miracle generation. Each of them have their own unique strengths and are leaders in their own way. Amelia is at the forefront of vtubing.
>英語少ししかわからんけど追いかけてきて良かったと思える配信だったI only know a little English, but I'm so glad I could watch this stream.
>事前準備には多数の助けがあっただろうけど、本番はこの5人だけでやってるのがすごい。カメラ担当を入れたりもせず、アメが3D空間内でカメラ操作してるし 部屋の要所要所にミラーを仕込んで、それにカメラを向けることでアメ自身も映れるようにしたりでVRCをフル活用してたな。 5人だけで本番やるからこそ、ほどよくリラックスしたアットホーム感もあってすごくいい3D配信だったI'm sure they must have had a lot of help setting up, but the fact it was just the 5 of them operation the actual performance on their own was amazing. They didn't even bring someone to operate the camera, it was all just Ame doing it by herself in the 3D space. VRC was being used to it's absolute fullest potential, she even set up mirrors in key points of the room and aimed the camera at them so that Ame could be seen whilst filming. Because it was just the 5 of them running the show, it had this really great comfy, homemade feeling to it. What a great 3D stream.
>アメリアがwalfie絵をデビューから間もない頃からサムネに使いまくって、それがここまで育っていくなんてな。 ほんとアメリアはタイムトラベルして全てが分かってた気がしてくる。Amelia used walfie thumbnails for her streams shortly after debuts, and now it's blown up to this point. It seriously feels like Amelia is a time traveller who knows the future sometimes.