Great song choice, choreo, guests, balance between solos and group perfomances and was all really concise and flowed well. The intro and outro animatic were short, sweet and simple and even the ad part felt like a nice break. W pacing/10
Anya has songs that I just tend to really like the flow of. Loved Everlasting Knife and will chronically listen to Chronic/10
Honestly I still remember not expecting much out of ID when I initially started watching Holo but it's crazy how much that turned around
Somewhat unrelated but I really like the 6th Fes outfit variation she chose and how it briefly looks like a bodysuit. It kind makes her look more visually unique like how her big ol eyes do and it works well with the tall-white, short-black look FAIL has and balances out well with Holoro too
Hope someone post Anya's arm-worm and hip sways
and I want her shrunken PoV