>>97240900It's quite possible that she's patient zero, but it is unlikely that direct infection from Kiara was the reason for the spread.
When you're tracing something like the Flu, you generally assume first contact for your hypothetical models.
ie. if someone was contagious, why wouldn't you contract their sickness on your first time meeting them instead of say contracting it only when you met them the third time?
With that in mind, Kiara's first contact with most of the EN Girls can be dated to before FES, either on the 5th or 6th judging from what was said on streams. Anyone that would've gotten sick from her directly would've most likely contracted it at that point, and with a 1-4 day incubation period, showed symptoms either during the FES weekend or Monday at latest.
But the fact that all of the symptoms for the girls are showing near-simultaneously, including for ones that purportedly weren't in direct proximity of Kiara and even some JPs points more the idea that there was someone or something that was in a highly contagious state at their FES accommodations this weekend which led to the current predicament.
This kind of stuff is actually super interesting if you take the time to think about it.