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No.9759621 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's play a game, /vt/. You have a dream where a selection of buttons appear before you. You somehow know what each one does, and that whichever you press will come to effect in the real world. Which one do you press? (You may only press one before waking up)

You have godlike powers of streamsniping vtubers. The internet and the game servers will always put you into the same match as the vtuber you want to target. Griefing or killing them will be much easier, everything will just seem to go your way (for example the vtuber will run out of ammo or forget to reload when facing you, or she will randomly sneeze while trying to hit you, etc). When killed by you, the vtuber will get more angry than she usually does. Whatever level of anger is the norm for her, expect more. You will never be banned or face any consequences for your streamsniping actions.

The perfect vtuber for you comes into existence, even better than your oshi. She streams the games you want, at the perfect hours, has the perfect personality and a visual look. Think about how much you like your favourite vtuber. This one you will like a hundred times more. Also, for some reason, she always notices whatever you type into chat.

Pick up to five vtubers. They graduate (bonus: they die if you want). They never get back into vtubing, streaming, youtubing, or anything of a similar form. You can also make them commit massive yabs on stream before graduating. If you do, their yabs will be so massive that they will never be forgotten. People will be making jokes at their expense for years to come after they graduate.

You can now do a perfect girl voice on command, and it's actually a pretty good voice for vtubing. You'll never mess up or revert to your real voice by accident. Some random person on the internet will send you an avatar that is well designed and to your tastes. You will get accepted by whatever big vtuber group you apply to and become very popular, or alternatively you will get a lot of fans if you decide to go solo. Turns out you'd make a great vtuber.

You now own three vtuber organizations of your choice. You don't have to manage them if you don't want to, you can just rake in the profits by doing absolutely nothing.

A girl who somewhat resembles your favourite vtuber's avatar, voice, and personality will move in close to you. You'll randomly start bumping into her (but you gotta leave the house first). Over time, she will be into you and eventually fall in love with you.