ITT fucking normalfag totally unaware that it is extremely normal, if not almost expected, that moe SoL/comedy anime have between light to moderate yuribaiting in them but it never gets serious.
Vtubers are somewhat akin to a moe SoL sandbox form of anime-ish design and basically that is the primary way to get flirty/sexual without bringing males into the picture, keeping the girls pure and allowing you to develop crushes on them in peace without fear of being cucked out in the story (or by the chuuba here).
Where all these clueless shitters who balk at this rather normal/ordinary sequence of events came from, god fucking knows but it kept fucking certainly is not /a/ and they most fucking certainly do not understand the otaku 2D industry to merit commenting on these things when they go "ewww she's a lesbo dyke!!" or "wow so progressive and strong good for them!!" - the yuribaiting has fucking nothing NOTHING to do with trying to make some kind of statement and is all about building a cute and comfy atmosphere that allows some cute flirting behavior without it really carrying weight. Why? It's cute to see and gives doujin artists material to work with if they wanna go the extra mile and sex up these kinds of characters. The feelings of moe-ness can lead your heart/mind to sexualize these chars sometimes, but not all the time so it's up to peoples' discretion.