>>986378Give it time anons, none of the western nor eastern countries can fuck up the Chinese mobs right now.
The only way to win this shit is to stall them to death, but to do so we have to avoid getting the wrong people in control of certain decisions, the only reasons the Yuan even has value is because of all of the foreing money which enters but never leaves China.
That's a bubble one day is gonna burst, not because of China, but because of the economic system they are using, which is the international one, hard to explain but basically resumes to:
>China loses a lot of people by job accidents, sickness, whatever, this is normal.>Their birthrate is going down the Japan route>Oh fuck...>Can't replenish the unlimited supply of cheap workers?>Rarer workers mean most valuable = more pay>Economy dies>"But anon, they can import foreign work">I can assure you with 100% security Xi would die by his own hand before making China a multidiverse country, the big objective of the CCP is for China become anything but a Han "Ethnic paradise" of riches in the long run.>They basically are trying to make what the Europeans did in their countries hundreds of years ago.>They will be fucked as early as 2040 while the US is not expected to fall into this same problem until the year 2060+>And that's not taking into account rising inmigration, which might kill the decline in births>The US is not trying to be more "inclusive" cuz they good and progressive>No>The state need numbers for the workforce, cheap numbers, to beat Russia and China at the same game (Russia is also experimenting this massive decline) and they are getting them from all over the world, inmigrants, nobodies, PC culture pushing is just to make it less likely for them to go into ethnic uprisings.>Schizo go back to /pol/Going, just wanted to let you people know that the only way to win this is with patience, life long patience and some strikes here and there but mostly defending.
RIP old USA also, I guess it was not meant to be.
Fuck the CCP.