It was honestly a pretty relaxing day wasn't it /hlgg/? Well at least the morning was...all the chaotic streams started happening at the end of the day and Bae wasn't even a part of any of them.
>Songs released todayFlare gave us a wonderful gift today in the form of a new cover! She sang Goodbye Sengen today and she sounds so amazing. If you've missed out on listening to this cute Half-Elf then quit being stupid and go give it a stream already. too released a song cover today, using that precious moe voice of hers to sing Deco*27's Cinderella. If you need a big rush of energy and happiness then you can't go wrong listening to Aqua sing. Seriously, give it a stream and you're day is for sure to get better. Watame train has no breaks and is going full speed ahead. She released yet another original song today, titled Holidays! If you want a unique blend of calming vocals with energetic BGM then this is the perfect song to jam out/relax to. You're not some kind of dumb bastard who won't give a Watame song at least one stream are you?>Some highlights for todayIt was Subaru's Anniversary today! She was bummed out because of the postponed Live 3D Concert but at least this one wasn't as messy as her last anniversary screw over. Instead of having a pretty sour totsu, she decided to hold an unscripted zatsu, something she's claimed she's horrendous at. She's too humble though as she was completely fine and super cute today. Happy Anniversary Subaru!
Kanata tried to speak English Only while playing Mario Kart today. She failed horrendously, breaking her promise at 30 minutes in. Then she tried again, this time with an even harder ruleset...she only lasted 10 minutes. What a precious Tenshi.
Sana straight up took us on one hell of a journey as she played through the funky and outright trippy game called Artful Escape. It's honestly incredibly pretty and Sana made it fun even though you'll probably wonder what's up with the story.
Risu literally became sex itself on stream as she got sopping wet, screeching in horny ecstasy over Okayu's Daki. This is no joke, Risu was just straight up howling for nearly an entire hour staring at a half naked Okayu. The natural state of Onigiryaa and Koronesuki on display.
Sora! She finally finished her big train station project! Sora Train is now up and running even though there's no trains available for it yet. She worked really hard on it and it came out incredible.
Marine and Aqua decided to build a grand ole ship in Minecraft today in honor of UMISEA. It was there were they learned that Gura is a mega pervert and were in complete shock. Then Marine wrote about her literally being choked to death by Ina.
Ina made it very clear that you should never mess with her birds. The death of Peckers awakened something within Ina and what was supposed to be a happy go lucky stream turned into her going on a genocidal rage against those who wronged her.
Kronii and Meimei's stream should be used as a means of extracting information from a liquidfied brain because it's incredible how long Kronii was able to hold out against the sheer force that is Meimei's autism but at the end of it all, even Kronii is not immune to cerebral malfunction.
You've still got some good streams happening too, with Lamy moving away from Mario Kart into supachat readings, Ollie unleashing true speed with Mario Kart and in less than 50 minutes, Mori's going to be thanking all those anniversary supachats she received.
>Upcoming Big StreamsPekora's finally got the time and will now be able to join Kiara for some Minecraft! Kiara's going to take the CEO of UsaKen on a tour of the EN Server, showing off all of the technology they've managed to scrounge up including Phoenixton (currently in renovation), Gura's Atlantis (unfinished), Ame's PPP (barely functional), Ina's beautiful abode (gorgeous) and IRyS' Green Top (pfft). Set your clocks because this is going to be a really fun stream. were even more streams to talk about and enjoy today, so which one was your highlight for the day /hlgg/?