Watching Pekora being way past cute today running around the EN server in the new gear Kiara went out and collected for her. This Minecraft stream has honestly been so much fun to watch, listening to these two just chatting around and laughing...and also trying to throw each other into holes and off high buildings because it's just a prank.
While Anya joined in briefly on this Ollie horror game stream which made it a full house of HoloID2. Hanako is still a bad game though, horror games in general suck bad games, shouldn't be made anymore.
While Luna's going to beat the shit out of everyone once again as she boots up some more Super Street Fighter. Luknights are going to be out of a job if their princess continues to learn self-defense like this.
While Noel says she feels like jumping out of her stockings in fear today so she's going to dive right into the horror game Tsugunohi.
While Okayu's back! It's time for that promised Trials of Mana stream she mentioned in her earlier zatsu. Mogu mogu moooogu mogu.
While Anya's gone off back to Gnosia so she can fall into a cold sleep and loop all the way back just so she can find out the unknown secrets of this world she's being subjected to.
While Matsuri's being cute today! And because she's feeling so cute, she's going to be singing for us while trying to ignore the arm pain of taking the vaccine.
While Subaru's still being adorable and thankful as her supachat reading is still going on.
While Roberu managed to escape Animare's rape dungeon, only to get roped up into an even more dangerous rape dungeon owned by the legendary Inuyama Tamaki. You can go watch his pain over here Temma's still showing no mercy to the competition as he's in peak motivation mode playing Mario Kart, swiping first place from everyone who's challenged him thus far.
While Radical Miyabi not feeling so radical after having a ghost haunt his soul as he plays through Tsugunohi.
Polka uploaded a new cover song today, singing Jujutsu Kaisen's OP Kaikai Kitan. She did a phenomenal job with the song but that's to be expected because Polka's so talented. If you haven't streamed it yet, quit being stupid and hurry up and go listen to it. friends, where we at?