>>9954152I just joined the stream to hear her talk halfway through it, but I can attempt to give you an explanation as to what she was talking about
>They took our DoTs!She was talking about the class Scholar, who had spells which deals Damage over Time. Since Scholar is a healer, they would live those so the Boss would take a bit of damage while they are busy healing.
>UltimateIt's a hard boss fight meant for the absolute best players. They usually run for 20-30 minutes (Usually boss fights take 5-9) and if everyone in it dies you have to start from the beginning
>Doggo farmThere are these things call mounts which are basically vehicles you can ride to go faster around the world. Some bosses have a chance to drop these mounts, and they are usually unique. Some are thematically (ex: A group of 4 bosses drop various colors of birds, others may drop horses, ect) and she was basically saying she didn't like farming them.
>SophiaShe's one of these bosses that can drop the Birds. This fight is unique because at some point she moves the room around like a pendulum, forcing you to go from one side of the arena to not drop down and die.