>>1951206As always people here don't agree. I'd say most regulars on /g/ never liked desktop threads, at least not in the shape they were at the time they were banned. They were closed community chat rooms with same tripfag posters posting the same riced to uselessness DEs. I hid them as probably did many others and eventually they were ruled out from /g/. The rule was that /w/ is now the >designated board for these threads which clearly isn't working here either. From the looks of it majority of people are against the threads regardless of where they are allowed. I for one definitely don't want them back on /g/ and as a non-regular on /w/ I'm indifferent of them being here.
The ban from /g/ didn't stop the same people from creating new desktop threads - now often using titles with wording that misses most filters. Banning them also caused a backslash out of spite by the regulars to post NSFW content of mostly anime girls to /g/ and multiple different thinly veiled desktop threads on the board which now doesn't allow either. It's cancer.
>>1951212>illiterate fucktardsI'm just saying this as a general statement but there's nothing wrong with this on technology board. /g/ isn't a competition for the most nerdy nor a dickwaving contest. Much larger of a problem is the smug attitude and anons running their mouths about things they don't truly understand, constantly creating inane arguments which quickly turn into shitposting. It's like everyone is a know-it-all with a massive ego to protect when all they'd have to do is refrain from posting.