I went to bed early and slept in until 3 in the afternoon. I then spent the entire day chilling out watching movies, reading some manga and books, and then hanging out with some friends over some food and Project M. Feels good.
>>1639022I like your seekbar
>>1639091Back to purple I see.
>>1639136Change your explorerframe.dll and find a new icon for explorer on your taskbar. Also try to lighten up your icons too, they stick out like a sore thumb.
>>1639169Nice metro screen.
>>1639223I would change your three lines in your firefox to a blue color of some sort.
>>1639251>am i doing it rightlol idk. How do you want your computer to look?
>>1639307Something seems off with your icons on the right and your taskbar. Speaking of which, are those icons on the right part of rocketdock?