>>1529459Great. With the Zoom, I can point out some more things to you:
RED: Wrong - Things like kinks in the line, wobbly lines when gravity would make them smooth, or things that need fixing that's usually obvious, like the way her hair meets the hood. The hood line should flow into the ahir, or the hair should, after leaving the hood, spill in such a way that that kink is not there.
BLUE - Questionable - It looks off, but only way to explain it, is the bends on both sides need to bend a bit more - kind of like the middle lock of hair right over her right (our left) eye.
She's missing an eyebrow, by the way...
GREEN - suggestion - These lines really should be pointed fills, to not only giove the hair more shape and definition, but give it te effect of hair. As they are now, it just looks liek someone was lazy with the pen tool and strokes.
ORANGE - Suggestions, part two: This is kindf of a kink, and I really envision this (if the hair style fits a clinched pony tail) that it should mirror its opposite side and be just a nice arch if you just take out that indent.
Yellow - Stylized suggestions: The gradient is fine, but that's it - it's "just fine" I'd give the whole staff a wood-like texture, and if you make it rough like bark or roughly-carved wood, then the gradient shape should fiot this effect, as well.
The toes: done well, but since this is a slipper and not a sock, I'd soften the point on the ball of her foot, like it is on the foot in the forefront...
I like how you did the heel, by the way. This looks shapely, feminine and what a PRACTICAL mage would wear.
There really should be shading on the fingers to give them more depth as-is, it really looks flat. I'd also add in some pointed fills into the hair to give it a more "flowy" and shapely effect.
Hope this helps.