>>1884906Pretty good, but there are a couple issues:
1) Your hair lacks curvature and direction at a majority of the tips, and are often simplified from the original. Do not do this. Go the extra mile and make sure you give the tips emphasis by making them properly taper in a thin manner, and curving them in a certain direction. Make sure you also minimize nodes, and make the transition from the tips very smooth, or else you run into lumpy lineart. This will help make the hair look a lot more interesting.
2) Don't ignore fingernails on hands. Showing the fingernails will help the fingertips not look so rounded or pudgy. You want the fingers to show that sharp fingernail shape to give it that more feminine look, so take advantage of showing it if the original provides it.
3) The base color for your skin coloring varies between the face, arms, and legs. Do not do this. Pick a consistent skin color and apply it across all areas of the skin. Colorpick an area that looks reasonable, and then open that color in the HSB scale. Adjust it so it stays within these values: H: 25-35, S: 15-24, B: 95-100. Saturation will have the greatest effect, with lower values giving it a more pale look, and higher values giving it a more rich look.