Hey guys, I made my Android phone look like a WP, for shiggles. If I could scroll between screens vertically that would be really cool, but this one screen works. The triforce is Clover because Stamped doesn't seem to have a 4chan icon (I thought about putting it a little off-center, but that's an overused meme).
>>1781294You have an app drawer for a reason. Also, the translucent box around the clock isn't very attractive. This wallpaper is very busy, so the idea should be to keep your widgets and icons simple.
>>1781222This is kind of interesting. I think you could make those icons smaller and not have the box taking up a third of your screen space.
>>1781199I don't think the black bar looks so bad (make it slightly opaque maybe), but I would do a higher-res wallpaper. Perhaps you edited it and saved it as a jpeg instead of a png?
>>1781168I like rices that take an element in the wallpaper and make it functional! This is difficult to pull off. Now, while the icons blend nicely, the colors don't. It'd be possible to give them a purple/pink tone in Photoshop and I think it would really complete this.
>>1781167Almost great, but too many icons. Use your app drawer.
>>1781164Go all-white with the icons unless you want to painstakingly add a long shadow to your widgets so they match the icons.
>>1781344I don't think the yellow in the banner quite matches the yellow in her ribbon. All the red here hurts, I think perhaps the background color should be the more muted red of her fan.