It would be great if iOS granted the users a tiny little more control about the look of widgets and the Home Screen. Luckily, I don’t mind about the default appearance too much: it looks and, what’s most important, feels very solid and consistent.
>>2212910I think the icons on the dock are too bright and blend with the wallpaper. The widget on top is ok although I would put into into a shape with some transparency.
>>2212942Fuck, I always forget I can’t view webms.
From the thumbnail, your Home Screen looks like it has too much contrast between the wallpaper and the scripts.
>>2213120Navigation buttons stick out too much imo, but the rest is ok. I don’t like the font.
>>2213350It’s ok.
>>2213558Looks good. Again, I don’t like the font but it’s just a matter of personal taste.
>>2213752I’m surprised that this didn’t get any replies. It looks consistent and cute.
>>2213827This is good. Unfortunately, for what concerns the elements on the status bar I think that you would be forced to cover them and create a widget on their place.
>>2214615I would use more colourful icons. The white ones don’t have much contrast on the pape.
>>2215980It seems fine.
>>221706Not bad. I would look for an icon theme with a more vivid colour.