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y'all fangirl about Misaki yet im 22 and have a legit crush on Hitomi (senpai). I would literally die for her irl
I just wish i could make her happy... I hate seeing her suffer so much. She's definitely my favorite character.
Im angry Satou got cucked in the end. They would have been such a good couple
2nd place would be Megumi Kobayashi (scammer girl). She had such potential in high school, and then the cruel world treated her like shit... Its really sad how she ended up
I dont even register misaki. Im almost under the impression Satou doesnt love her, but was forced to be with her when she attempted suicide. He fantasized about Hitomi until the last moment and im sure he would've chosen her over Misaki... but he got cucked.
I'd commit suicide if i was Satou and Hitomi told me she has a child with the glasses dude (happens near the end of the anime)
Now that i think about it.. its weird how she suddenly found happiness. She got the glasses-boyfriend, and was unsatisfied with him because he's always away at work, took depression meds, then she attempted suicide, then he told her he loves her and now she's apparently happy? Even tho he's still away from home working.. Kinda weird, but whatevs
Sorry for the schizo post. I really like the anime.