Make sure you're rating when you post, especially if you ask for a rating.
>>16430936/10 Color scheme is off but layout is nice
Dark grey and white don't really mix well.
>>16431664/10 Black looks really bad and make sure to use color samples from your picture. Also try to keep the tile colors uniform.
>>16431927/10 Rather boring but it looks nice.
>>16432516/10 Disable top and bottom shadows if it doesn't go with your color scheme. The greys it creates look off and don't match the icons. If possible use colors from your render for the icons. Try to have widgets match them as well.
>>16432818.5/10 Clean and well done. I'd suggest changing the color of the weather icon to grey if you can.
>>16433355/10 Your render is pretty low quality, make sure you get something extremely high res as your render is the centerpiece of your phone.
>>16434325/10 Icons don't blend, no real scheme just a background image with an icon pack. Try to have something in mind when you put it together.