Several months ago I did a vector of Suika (see: and a common response was that I should vector the chains, which I originally left off due to difficulty (as in the original:
After not having much time during the semester, I'm finally back to vectoring again, and decided to finish the chains before going on to new vectors.
The problem I'm running into, which you can see from the image at left, is that it's really hard to get a grasp of what's going on with the chains.
Can someone give me a little advice on what these should look like? Since the chain is repetitive I was planning on making a couple of master links to base the rest off of, adjusting as necessary. Therefore, I want to make the master links look good before continuing on.
Uploaded image is what I have now (I know the line thickness looks like shit, I'll fix that once I have the general structure down. Also, top link isn't finished here obviously).
Without the background obscuring: without lines: