>>1559632Nice wall and colors.
>>1559635Nice Kyouko
>>1559636Chrome sucks because you can't really customize it that much. (As far as I know)
>>1559647yeye yuyushiki
>>1559650nice wall
>>1559651How do you read the font on your taskbar? Looks nice overall though.
>>1559654Looks good.
>>1559671Feels bad.
>>1559672Workspaces are nice for small monitors. looks good.
>>1559683I like your yellow.
>>1559684I'm working my way through Ookami-san also. Right now I am not sure how I feel after watching the first episode though.
>>1559687Seems fun. Will check out and play with my friends later.
>>1559689We all go through that phase(?)
>>1559707Play around with bbiconbox as