>>1597691What would you call that kind of texture on your wallpaper? It looks really nice.
>>1597694I always like your desktops a lot. They're so clean. I don't know if this is an accident or not, but that U in the foobar title on your taskbar.
>>1597763Fix the height of those virtuawin workspace labels! It looks kind of odd with them being smaller than the taskbar
>>1597809The close/max/min buttons are clever and cute. How did you get that one thick border going down the bottom of you bbleanbar? Is it just rainmeter overlapping the bar?
>>1597918I forgot, were you planning to incorporate hummingbird/MAL integration into an.pi?
>>1598114What w8 visual style is that? I might be getting a laptop with windows 8 on it, and I kinda wanted to roll with the sort of basic black with white icons for simplicity sake.
>>1598965Congratulations on being able to do more than what some people can't do. Pretty good for first time. When you have time, you should try experimenting with programs and colors and see what you get. It's pretty fun.