>>1582483Overall I like what you have going on. There are just small things that bother me.
>The font is not the best for reading that rss widget with but for the page titles and the weather its looks cool. >The lock screen widget looks messy/cramped that could just be the font's ripple effect making it look weird though.
>That radio widget is out of place, but you cant change that one so I cant really hold it against you. >The icons bother me a bit, I think a minimal white icon would look better than the multicolor icons you have now. But I also hate that multicolored flat icon look just about anywhere so its up to you here.
>There is also a water mark on the image I circled it for you, I get rid of it. Pros:
>You have a good picks on wallpaper images, I really like the Nico and Nami images. >Honestly everything else about it. It looks good, there are just small bs issues. You didnt get many comments last time because its a good layout.