Can't think of anything to change, though I'll probably do so anyways sometime soon.
>>1637485Looks pretty good. I'd go with just a slightly more heavy drop shadow myself, but meh.
>>1637491I doubt you need a rating, but this is a pretty solid setup. Seconded on the nice icons.
>>1637527If you can get rid of the background dimming it'd look loads better. If not, 8/10. Clean.
>>1637533If you didn't mention it I wouldn't have noticed. Might be just me but I think it looked nicer spread out, eh. The clock looks slightly off-center on the ls.
>>1637563Besides a new icon pack (Holler Blk is good, Tiny Black Icons might look good too) I'd move them so they're not touching her dress and move the clock to the left a bit.
>>1637572I feel you on that. I'd keep the fonts consistent and maybe move the music up a bit. It's an interesting setup though.
>>1637574>Now with 50% less WinampHeh. Can't say I love the font but it's pretty decent, can't go wrong with that sort of setup.
>>1637582This is pretty nice. 9.5/10, those colors and that font are pretty much perfect.