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Ned shook his companion one last time, yawned due to his early waking, then bustled out of the tent, chain mail on the wrong way, adorning an expression that a zombie might wear when it was bored. Madura Speratus, another Low Private in the 376,234th Legion of the Superlative Army of the Grand Heavens (Shortened to SATH after the officers became tired of saying it) slipped into his khaki, standard issue, iron cuirass and undershirt bearing the insignia of a private (a grub), as he had done for countless years, with as little enthusiasm as possible. He then tried to equip the matching greaves, gauntlets, bracers, spaulders, tassets and boots (iron, of course) with much difficulty owing to his recent awakening. The armour may not have looked fantastic, but it was comfortable enough over his cotton undershirt, and served its purpose well. Madura had never thought it necessary to train in full armour every single day, but could do nothing about changing the rules. There was one beneficial effect, though; wearing full armour practically 24/7 had made most soldiers of the SATH incredibly strong, and they could slip in and out of full armour almost at will due to well-practiced routine. In fact, if it was allowed, a Private of the SATH could pretty much go about everyday life in full armour without experiencing fatigue. Most Privates would probably even sleep in their armour. Other than the full khaki coloured armour set, privates were also supplied with a ‘recreational’ suit that was simply jeans, t-shirt and jacket- all khaki and bearing the private insignia.