>>1842706>>1842707>>1842709Here is an example of what parallel nodes will get you for line consistency. Here is the .ai file to look closer at the node placement and handles:
https://mega.nz/#!VhIjxKrI!pyIRAVuOiZrZIo11xpqBYzY8pKvXuMOJNhbelIHj0IEHere are a couple other tips. When working with lines, do not place nodes haphazardly. Instead, only place nodes at the endpoints of the shape, and give them handles. Then, play with the handles to see if they can fulfill the shape of the area. You will quickly find out that handles can do a lot more than you originally thought. You should notice in the file that many of the shapes in the knotted hair do not have any additional nodes besides the endpoints (ignore the circle, as it is a stroke to fill object).
Another tip involves keeping lines as one shape. If there are areas that go under other shapes, like some of the hair above her ear, keep them as one shape. Don't try to draw two separate shapes as it will break continuity. Draw it as one shape, and then use a clipping mask/compound shape to hide the areas under the other shapes.
For many areas of the face and ear, use sharp nodes instead of flat or rounded nodes at the ends. For the eyes use the circle tool to help keep the shape of the eye uniform, and use the Align tools to help align the pupil with the outer eye. You should also add the inner highlights for her eyes, as well as the gradient for the base color. As for the neck, keep it simple. The neck is behind the face, so the line should simply be curving downward towards the left.
Otherwise, it's not too bad. This is your first vector, so it is to be expected it would look like this. You will have to do a good 5-6 more to really get the hang of the pen tool and coloring.