>>1798019Thanks for all the feedback.
>This just requires constantly going back and forth between the new and old lines you've made and keeping them similar in thickness. After I get the outline and set the fill and remove the stroke I try to match it with surrounding lines, but never really go back to older lines to check. I'll try and focus more on this.
>The other issue I noticed is that there are a few areas where you have the tips of the hair much thinner than the line leading to it. This is a common issue for newcomers since you tend to overlook the placement of the two nodes at the tips.I have two nodes placed at the point where the hair splits off from another line, but those go to a single node being the tip ( triangle formation kinda). That explains why it is so thin near the tips.
I am completely new at this, so every thing about smooth and sharp nodes went over my head. I guess i will take your advice, practice more and look at more tutorials to attempt to get better. Thanks again.