>>1735968Nice file manager, I like it.
>>1735984Hey, how are you?
>>1736179>people say windows ricing is hacky but i found linux to feel much more hacky and less complete than a hacked up windows system. whenever i used linux it feels like a cheap knockoff tbh.Very true. Linux feels empty and incomplete. Nice desktop too.
>>1736190Hey, Phait!
>>1736430Funny how this called generic, yet everybody and their grandma are using the configs from this scrot. Heh.
>>1736459Cool gif.
>>1736527I remember this one, looks nice!
>>1736561How many layers do your wallpapers usually have? They look like a bunch of work and you switch them so frequently. What do you do with the ones you don't use anymore?
>>1736580How do you remove the scrollbar from Hexchat? I've tried several editing the GTK theme to no avail and I've looked in the preferences and found nothing.
>>1736617Simple and nice. Would use/10.
>>1736720Dat bitmap font tho.