reposting, i want to make some new icons but dont really know how. Any other ideas or suggestions? Also pls r8
>>1762049cant really say i like it, idk just feels boring 7/10
>>1762013I like the clock and wallpaper, but icons and bar dont fit where they are 7/10
>>1761990shitfont and low res wallpaper. 5/10
>>1761969why does everyone use those bars? timmaclone/10
>>1761947not bad at all for a first rice. the grey kinda bothers me tho 8/10
>>1761934I've liked it since the first post, but if the icons color played off the wall itd be better 9/10
>>1761931if the widgets didnt cover the wallpaper id give it a 9/10 but they do so 7/10 get a new clock too
>>1761879i like the icons , other than that not much. That bat bar is really out of place. 6/10
>>1761877that Drrr! layout is 10/10
>>1761831cant really say i like it much. I'm partial to icons really. 5/10
>>1761824a lot of unused space but looks nice 8/10
>>1761746i like it a lot, dont show the battery percent tho 9/10
>>1761739i'd like it more if it had icons and not just the drawer 7/10
>>176167610/10 from me anon, although i think itd look better if mugis hair went over the banner
>>1761638turn that grey into blue or some other color from the wall, other than that 8/10
>>1761618how have you kept the same rice for a year ? i get bored of mine in like a month or so 6/10 tho icons dont really match
>>1761600needs new icons m8
>>17615452/10 try again