An anon on /wg/ did girly themes with pastel colors which I liked a lot. So I recreated it.
>>1989882>>1989881As others anons said, the Lain one is a lot better.
>>1989986Is there anything to rate ? It's just a pic with some clock.
>>1990010Like the other anon said, I would darken the arc and information. It's really nice. Maybe choose a higher resolution picture.
>>1990017The calendar widget is unreadable. Make it darker, or with a dark background.
>>1990072Pretty simple, I like it. It's a shame though that the bottom area looks so cluttered, between the busy background, navbar and dock, but I don't see how you could change it. Also I love the background.
>>1990100I like it. Like other anon said, Kyouko feels weird, maybe you should do a second page dedicated to her color scheme, like a light red. And maybe put her in a frame too, but that might just be me because I'm an uniformity freak. Good rice.
>>1990121Pretty good rice. I'm not a big fan of the color you choose, plain black and white would be better in my opinion.
>>1990127Hate those shadows. Otherwise it's very nice.
>>1990323>>1990327Nothing much to add. It's a very nice rice. Also love that picture of Asuka.
>>1990535Your status bar is way too cluttered. Maybe disable some icons ?
>>1991172That's not too bad for a first rice. Maybe choose a different fond and colors that actually matches your girl.