The text above change depending on the hour and the battery's life is that light green in the centre
Good anime, good music, good pape.
Nice, but same as
>>2019806 the icons get lost on the clouds you could try change the background color with a pitch of transparency so that they can display better.
In love with this one and lots of ideas to rice, like an on/off button to display transparency on each img at the moment of touch them while showing itself in main place or render the centre image pick the colour of its bg an set a battery progress with it. It's just perfect to rice.
Good pape anon, but you'r repeating the day twice.. you could replace it for the hour instead and adding kanjis to it 時 and 分 respectevely, if you have the time why don't set an on/off button on the main rectangle to get blured while showing some apps. Mind drop the pape pls?
Too much pink, any problems with the rice though why don't search a complementary colour to that pink like a blue or other "adobe color cc" it's a good tool for that.
Just perfect, do you know the souce on that img?
Might be a thing of you but why having the text and the icon at the same time you could set a shortcut on the text to open the app, aside of that good pape, i could say you can change the icons for lines get rid of the right ones and replace them for the ones you have down.
Any complain on this i love what you have there the colours suits it perfect !