Haven't posted since 4 thread ago because i've been anime-ing my phone. I had to change my animeless look since I wanted to participate in these threads so I only used a wall from one of the few animes ive watched.(Are banners still a thing?)
>>1623195wall makes me feel really uncomfortable. 6
>>1623229Nice. move tiger up a tad though. 8
>>1623241The date and "pm" look too small and random.7
>>1623250Your animu girl doesnt match the rest. 7
>>1623269You don't have any theme. 4
>>16233069. very slick
>>1623321Fill up your blank white space more. 8
>>1623334Notification bar, shadows, icon banner? 6
>>1623394Notification bar and icons dont match wall. 6
>>1623396Still liking yours. 8
>>1623411Tooooo filled up. 6
>>1623440Gave you a few ratings before. 8
>>1623454>myeyes.jpg 6>>1623557Maybe tone the black to be more grey idk. 8
>>1623608Tone black to dark grey and change the writing into a numbered clock. 7
>>1623660Your icons dont match your wall. No clock, date nothing. 5
>>1623713edgy. smoothen out the transition between grey and peach of the sand. 7
>>1623729No, its not.