Updated a little, quite pleased with how it is now. Ratings, suggestions, critique, etc all welcome. Also if there's a way to get zooper to change the x offset of the buttons depending on how long the artist name is, please tell me.
>>1854978First of all, hide the status bar. The bottom would look better if you changed the dark grey in the icons to transparency. Is it really necessary to write her name and even panaino on the homepage? That space could be used for something functional like a clock or battery meter. Passable as it stands but could be a whole lot better. Keep going, anon!
>>1854996I like the brown/sepia tones. Looks very cozy. Drop-down animations are a little slow for my tastes and not a big fan of the dynamic font size in the music widget either. A font that looks a little brushed or maybe handwritten might fit better too, but very nice overall.
>>1855033Solid first attempt, I can see you have a good eye; nice work. The render looks really bad though. If you can't find a better res picture, you could try going to the vector or maybe even minimalist thread and see if someone is willing to draw it for you. Otherwise, I'd recommend choosing another picture. White outline around the banner and maybe the render might work, but that's just a thought.
>>1855036You stay true to your theme, but putting it bluntly, it's a really boring theme imo. The sharp lines and defined shapes don't give you much eye candy. I'd make the clock font size consistent and choose a more interesting font perhaps.