>>1498227hi /g/, not the best girl but shes OK.
>>1498211 I'd just like to reiterate that the pastebin reference suggestions are my recommendations based off popular demands and trends. If you have any additional recommendations for things like icons, visual styles, fonts, and the like please let me know and I will add them. Thanks.
>>1498276I dont like that vector. The bblean style needs to be personalized more (dont use bbcrim use bbstylemaker.exe). Bad font rendering, choose a different haxrcorp or bitmap that wont give you the green halo effect. Colors are dull and desaturated across the board. Transparent corners on the visual style make flush window tiling look bad. I dislike the explorer frame as well.
>>1498290Nice css and mascot. The blue is very cool, I'd like to see some variation in light/dark though. Its nice to see new ideas with the calendar/languagebar/rss feed, and comes together pretty well.
>>1498407The only thing i dont think fits is the default google rainmeter. Reskin it or remove it altogether. Look into some software, like ultimate taskbar controller, to hide your taskbar completely - or just consider showing it with a different visual style and some icons.
>>1498442Too much going on. Your firefox browser css is stretched weird, and the fonts in utorrent look bad. Green halo fonts in bblean as well, use a different bitmap font.
>>1498443Completely replicated Mono/ahoka. Just missing the mokou mascot and wall.