Started this yesterday. Thinking of putting some sort of notification indicator at the bottom, but I'm not sure how I want it to be. Suggestions welcome!!
>>1926681The music text seems really out of place. I'd change the font and move it to somewhere at the top.
>>1926734Looks really good, even though I don't agree with your choice of colors. If you're right handed and don't wanna reach over the entire screen to click on the apps, I'd recommend flipping the whole wp, but if you have a small phone then that's not a problem.
>>1926736Remove the page indicator.
>>1926824Go buy that billy shelf :>
>>1927374>bounce effectThe colors of the folders/weather-widget don't really fit imo, I'd go with something darker. I don't like the fade effects either, try having them scroll into the picture fro the top/bottom.
>>1927454What would you say if a qt grill walked up to you and said that she had lost her phone and wondered if she could borrow yours to call her friend?
>>1927494A lot of fun stuff can be done with those lines in the wallpaper. I'd move the clock down a bit and have the hexagons lined up parallel to the line. They could also scroll along it and be replaced with e.g. a music player.
>>1927998The icons on the bottom right one are too tight, spread them out a bit.
>>192824710/10 waifu. The clock doesn't look very good though, move it to the left or something. Change the colors as well, try using a color that matches something in the picture, blue maybe :)
>>19296300 alignment/10
>>1929766ask the homescreen thread on /wg/
>>19299752clocks/10 :^)
>>1931792The music text is sorta hard to read, try putting it in a box or maybe blur the background behind it.
>>1933058Make the icons at the bottom smaller.