>>1451576That looks pretty good considering the quality of the original.
Red: Turn the blunt ends into points.
Blue: Lines need to be thicker.
Green: Since that boob line goes from her clothes to her skin, it just being a continuous line looks a bit wonky. Maybe turning it pointed will fix it, but you may want to change how that looks.
Purple: Your colors do not extend all the way to the your linework and thus many parts of the image are semi-transparent. It's pretty much everywhere so I didn't circle everything. You'll want to zoom in and check your whole image.
Yellow: The hair ends extending so far as just a line looks really awkward. I know it looks this way in the original, but it's too poor quality to see the details, so I would cut them off.
Light Blue: Too many nodes. The one on her arm has at least one extra, making it not completely smooth. The one on her hair, I'd just smooth that one out completely since it looks kind of weird.
Her belt/pack/whip thing in the bottom left corner: I have no idea what's going on there, but if I were to use this in a wallpaper, I would cut that thing off because it looks pretty bad. The lines are too thin, lines don't meet; it just looks like you spent a minute on it because you couldn't be bothered. I know it's hard to work with because of the original, but look at similar images with better quality and try to copy it to this one.
It's a lot of fixes, but don't misunderstand: you did a really good job for such a shitty original. For future vectors: zoom in and do a quality check before you post it up anywhere for critique and you'll likely see a lot of stuff yourself. Look for the same types of things I mentioned here and just do what you think would make it look better. (Check this image too since I'm sure I didn't catch everything.)